Partnership towards Net Zero 2050 
and Beyond...

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An Offering by Liberia Carbon Credit Development and Trading Company

The inhabitants have preserved the Liberian rainforest for over two hundred years so that today Liberia have the largest rainforest in Western Africa. Communities in Liberia have used traditional and customary knowledge of nature to conserve their environment knowing that humans must co-exists with the forest and wildlife to the benefit of nature.

The result of this is a rain forest inventory of more than 67 million hectares with an average of 151 carbon credit tons per hectare.

Across the world in China, Western Europe, and North America carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the excessive use of fossil fuels have put our planet on climate red alert.

With the expanded use of combustible engines, particularly in the emerging developing countries, our planet’s ability to retain CO2 has reached its limits. To avoid the continuation of the degradation of our earth from Climate Change and Global Warming, humanity is requiring that you measure your carbon footprint to determine our contribution toward collective action to stop global warming.

Scientists have discovered that the major cause of climate change is the result of greenhouse gases emissions into our atmosphere from vehicles and nonrenewable energy sources generated from the use of fossil fuels. Therefore, the world must replace petroleum generated energy with emission free energy by the year 2050.

During the period leading to 2050 Net Zero the financial markets will provide the money needed for new innovative technology in addition to the ability of our oceans, mangroves, forests, and mother Earth as a hold to absorb and store greenhouse gases generated and released into the atmosphere. Forest communities, Farmland owners with trees and those who cultivated the land using regenerative farming methods will bridge the time gap with the sale of carbon credit to offset greenhouse gas emission.

The United Nations is leading an environmental program to limit the global CO2 emissions into the atmosphere to meet a 1.5 degrees warming target by encouraging free trade emission gas market.

This is necessary for all the people of the world who are emitters of greenhouse gases to commit financially to changing our energy source. By 2050, 7.6 giga tons of CO2 must be offset or removed from the earth’s atmosphere. Investors are fabricating machines to absorb and store harmful greenhouse gases into the earth. This process of removing CO2 from the atmosphere is well and good, but it will drive the price of carbon credit upwards to meet the huge investment cost of this method. Another act that will increase the market prices of CO2 credits is the emission tax that the European Union levy on emitters of greenhouse gases in Europe. Slowly, a major market exists to buy and sell carbon credits.

The adoption of International Treaties, regional accords and national laws will create financial penalties for greenhouse gas polluters. Corporations or individuals will have to find alternative energy sources or buy carbon credits. The millions of dollars in grants and market support under the EU Emission Trading System, is to promote innovation in the creation of renewable energy.

Small countries like Liberia that have large rain forests because of conservation policy, are required by UN Climate agreements to monitor and preserve forest trees, protect the oceans and mangroves in addition to minimizing their Carbon Footprint. Liberia Carbon Credit Development and Trading Company is positioning itself as a service provided to Communities and non-Government owner forest and farmland.
Recently, the UN Climate Summit agreed that it is necessary to use the capital markets of the world to speed up innovation of renewable energy. The so-called Secondary or Voluntary carbon credit market is to mitigate the cost of greenhouse gases emissions as the transition to clearer energy happens. Researchers predicted that the carbon market will be worth US$50 Billion or more by very soon. It is the plan for LibCarbon to commerce trading in this market by the year end, 2023.

Trading Carbon Credit Offsets system has emerged whereby it is advantageous to use market forces to minimize the cost effect of a penalty and reward enforcement protocol. The cost of the penalty creates a new opportunity to trade carbon dioxide credits at market driven prices. As the “Net Zero-time Clock” runs out, environmentalists will pressure governments to increase the penalty on emitters thereby forcing the sales prices up. LibCarbon is intent on leveraging this market possibility from the sale of its carbon credit offset.

The role of Governments climate action policy to limit global warming within a time limit is an open opportunity for organizations that are already committed to monitoring their CO2 emission.

If you are not already measuring the carbon footprint of your enterprise and want to be socially responsible and secure a place in the green movement, we encourage you to contact us at the website By doing so you will get to know what your company’s carbon footprint is and be in control of your company’s environmental responsibility.

Carbon credits are available on the secondary/voluntary market to offset greenhouse gas emissions generated by vehicles using combustible fuel engines, there is an opportunity to secure future carbon credits offset as your compliance to the code of corporate social responsibility.

The Business Function

LibCarbon is developing, monitoring, preserving, planting trees, and managing carbon credits of forests and farms for the benefit of their shared values clients with the primary objectives of concerns for environmental sustainability and humanity.

LibCarbon manages forest and farmland assets which involves: (a) reaching an agreement with communities with the objectives to monitor and preserve their forests. (b) train forest rangers from the people of the community to tag and protect the trees in their forest. (c) assess and verify each forest’s value based on tree types. (d) create expanded community forests and farms by planting the RIGHT TREES and teaching communities about new sustainable ways of cooking food, for example using solar cookers/ solar energy.

The RIGHT TREE is the tree that stores high volume of CO2. “Not all trees in the forests have the same carbon footprint value!”
The USA CO2 market calculation is based on one hectare of forest = one ton of carbon credit.

In 2021, the market price before the development of the forest assets sold for under US$10.00 per hectare. Offers for the state-owned forests reserve are between US$3.00 to US$7.00 per hectare. LibCarbon objectives are to develop and package the CO2 stored in the community forests and on private farmlands and trade them using the European Market price and guidelines to select socially responsible companies.

LibCarbon believes that the people of the Communities and Farmers should be the primary beneficiaries of their forest resources. It is they who will plant and protect the trees.

The people of the communities must be participants in the preservation of our planet and benefactors for their stewardship of the forest. This is an opportunity to create additional income for the forest people to bring them into the money economy.

Under the LibCarbon program, the development of carbon credits for the market will benefit each community with between 50% to 75% percent of the profits.

LibCarbon has identified 8.3 million tons of carbon credits and are in the process of developing and managing these assets for the forest communities and individual landowner farmers.  



Republic of Liberia, West Africa